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2020 New Records

1/4 mile

Lowell Simmons MC ED-A3 9.267 @ 153.13
Steve Huff DR/A5 7.520 @ 201.07
Hans-Henrik Thomsen  DMC/A2 7.0837 @ 189.25
George V Grant III DR/B 9.039 @ 144.13
George V Grant III DR/E 11.179 @ 115.83
Hans-Henrik Thomsen  DMC/A2 6.8697 @ 195.47
Tommy Henderson DMC/A-ED 10.27 @ 126.1

1/8 mile

George V Grant III DR/E 6.981 @ 95.11
George V Grant III DR/C 5.999 @ 123.3
George V Grant III DR/B 5.992 @ 120.64
Lara Juel Rasmussen SCM/C 5.8444 @ 112.35
George V Grant III DR/E 6.497 @ 103.02
George V Grant III DR/A 5.855 @ 119.02
Tammy Fargo FC/G 9.895 @ 76.16
Tommy Henderson DMC/A-ED 6.462 @ 106.58
Frank John DR/A2 7.038 @ 105.78
Tommy Henderson DMC/A-ED 6.311 @ 103.91

     2021 Calendars

  Event is Postponed 

* * * * * * EV Nationals * * * * * *

I have confirmation from US-131 Motorsports Park. They are very excited to host us. Saturday August 15th is going to be a NEDRA national event. This is not a test and tune. I will provide a program and opportunities for grudge matches. I am taking suggestions for event names.

Let’s do this!

The 2019 PRI show is done!  What a great show and what a great NEDRA showing.  The booth was double the size of last year and this allowed more people to enter without the cramped feeling.  Many people and groups walk by with genuine curiosity but do not enter.  Electric vehicles are still too new and different.  The huge number of people who did stop by in the three days were there for a number of reasons:

  1. Many, many questions and discussions about electrification, they want leadership and direction. Wiring, safety, parts, and techniques. 
  2. NHRA, SFI and the racing community want answers for incident response and safety.  Many varied and conflicting opinions exist, no end exists to the people offering opinions, they want tested, proven facts.
  3. We signed up a number of members who were not aware that NEDRA existed.
  4. Many came to tell us about their experiences.
  5. Some came to buy Jegs Junior Dragsters.  Jegs had their own booth but also allowed NEDRA to have a Junior on display.  I do not know the exact number of sales but I believe they sold in excess of 15 cars.
  6. Many came to tell us about their different vehicles.  Many drag racers, late model dirt track car, pulling tractors, pulling trucks, modified teslas, different boats from drag boats to pleasure craft to pontoon, land speed cars, aircraft, and off road vehicles.  Many I cannot remember.  We signed up members who are not drag racers.
  7. Magazines stopped by to work on stories.
  8. Many stopped to shake hands and give words of encouragement to the pioneers of electric drag racing.  (That includes all of you!)
  9. We had people who were selling items, I am buying a tesla drive as a result of the show.   We had people buying or wanting to buy.  We shared information on every EV company from Manzanita, Netgain, EV West, EV Parts, EV Source, Thunderstruck, Lonestar, to Gribben Scooter Repair.  Many, many more.
  10. We spoke with a racing insurance company to start conversations about offering our membership low cost group coverage.  It is too early to talk about what coverage or possibilities exist but suffice to say we are working on it.

One thing I can say is the people I spoke with are happy they found us and thought we made a solid presentation for NEDRA.
Some questions were asked if we were covering just the united states or if NEDRA was global. (Canadian, French, Netherlands, Germany) I also received comments that we should cover more forms of electric vehicle racing.  We need to address this as a group.  I am in favor of maintaining NEDRA and providing a sister website to accommodate other forms of racing or possibly an umbrella organization to help organize electric racing across the globe. I know we have discussed a name change, we have talked of expanding our coverage to other forms of racing.  What do you think?  Ideas?
Thanks, Al


Effective October 1, 2019 only one time slip is required for a record.  

Results of the election are as follows:

Votes    President

40           John Metric

27           Pat McCue

 Votes    Vice-President

37           Lowell Simmons

28           Casey Mynott

Please join me in congratulating John and Lowell for their victory!

Please also join me in thanking all four candidates who ran for the office of President and Vice-President. You made clear to us the passion, ideas for improvement and outreach, and the aspirations you have for NEDRA. We all appreciate your commitment.

I’d like to personally thank all members who participated in the election, and Audrey Clunn for her work to ensure an accurate vote count.

Best regards,

Matt Graham

NEDRA Secretary/Treasurer

 It's election time again at the National Electric Drag Racing             Association. And, the democratic process that exists in the      organizations bylaws are in effect.

 We have 4 people nominated for top executive positions:
 John Metric - (incumbent) Running for President
 Patrick McCue - Running for President
 Lowell Simmons - (incumbent) Running for Vice President
 Casey Mynott - Running for Vice President

 Email your vote to
  Voting goes through OCTOBER 3rd... at 11pm

First event of the year
Palm Beach International Raceway Saturday February 2nd - Street Car Drags

Dennis and all others, yes thanks for request on Palm Beach races.  Yes the races were cancelled for Saturday and rescheduled for Sunday.  Well I found this out when I reached the gate on Saturday after my 1 1/2 hour drive there.  Back I went on Sunday and I am really glad I did. There were many Teslas there even with their own generator truck with 2 Tesla super charges on board.  I was able to make 5 runs which is usually impossible at PBIR.  I went all day undefeated.  I must have beaten over 1 million dollars worth of supercars in my old 944.  My first victory  was against a M5 bmw with turbo upgrades, then a Lamborgini, next was my closest race against a pro charged late model Corvette.  He ran a 9.73 against my 9.70. My last 2 races were against a Mercedes AMG BI Turbo which I blew away with a 9.50.  Finally Brooks was setting up a race for me against a new Demon.  Unfortunately the Demon was already in the trailer but that race is to be done on a future date.  Brooks said come on against his 9.90 McLaren.  That was my last race of the day posting a 9.41 at 143 mph. Watch for this in a future Drag Times video.  We had both cars camered up. Brooks said I stole the show for the entire Drag times day. This is a new MC/3 ED record.  I am no longer a high school teacher, I now teach at Sheridan Technical College in Hollywood Florida.  The school system allowed me to transfer the 2 warp 11 motors which were purchased with school board monies.  Other than that the Black Pearl is mine.  special thanks to John Wayland who several years ago sponsored one of my z2k's and Shawn Lawless who loaned me the other z2k after mine blew a dc-dc converter and has to be repaired. The Lonestar Battery Pack I built with made it all possible.  I do have the 1500 hp battery pack I built for Don Garlits setting in my shop.  Someday I will build one to equal that and BP will be an 8.90 street legal electric vehicle.  'Lowell L. Simmons' 


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