Simply print out and fill in the form and check the appropriate Membership. Send your check or money order made payable to "NEDRA" to the following address:

NEDRA Membership Director, Becky Alvarez-Howard, 9510 Bent Spur Lane, Houston, TX 77064

By signing this form you are agreeing to abide by all of the NEDRA rules and by the decisions of the NEDRA Board of Directors. You further agree to conduct yourself in a sportsmanlike manner and adhere to the decisions of inspectors whether from the NHRA or NEDRA.

Name: _______________________________________ Signature: ________________________

Company Name or School: ____________________________Phone: _______________________

Street Address: ________________________ Apt: _____ City: ___________________________

State: _____________________ Zip: _______________ Email: ___________________________

Do you have a vehicle to race? _____________________________________________________

Yearly Membership $35 The yearly membership provides you with the NEDRA newsletter, the NEDRA Rulebook and the opportunity to set NEDRA World Records. Both the owner of the vehicle and the driver of the vehicle must be NEDRA members in order to set a new NEDRA record.

Lifetime Membership $200 The lifetime membership is a one time fee for as long as you live, or wish to be a member of NEDRA. Included in your lifetime membership is a NEDRA rulebook, the NEDRA newsletter and the opportunity to set NEDRA World Records.

Lifetime Family Membership $500 The lifetime membership is a one time fee for as long as you live, or wish to be a member of NEDRA. Included in your lifetime membership is a NEDRA rulebook, the NEDRA newsletter and the opportunity to set NEDRA World Records.

Corporate Membership $500 Your corporate membership includes a NEDRA rulebook, the NEDRA newsletter, booth space at NEDRA sanctioned events, plus complimentary advertising in the NEDRA rulebook, NEDRA newsletter, links on the NEDRA site to your corporate site or e-mail, and NEDRA sanctioned events. Corporate membership is good for a period of two years. The membership fee may be paid in cash or in equipment valued at $500. Alternately, corporations may wish to sponsor a particular NEDRA sanctioned event instead of becoming a corporate member.

Educational Membership - Instructors $35 Students working with an instructor (or part of the race team) are eligible for reduced educational membership fees. For racing, the entrance fee is $10/car.

Educational Membership - Students $5 To qualify for this membership, the instructor must have a regular $35 annual (or $200 lifetime) membership and students will receive yearly memberships for $5 each as long as they are part of the race "team" (or taking a class from the instructor). For racing, the entrance fee is $10/car.